Do you ever wonder how hard it is to switch car insurance companies? The answer is, it’s quite easy. This means if you want to change insurance, all you do is decide which company you want to switch to. With that decision made, you simply get in touch with the company you wish to buy from. Once you’ve decided, the new company will take care of nearly everything.
If insurance quality is important to you, the easiest way to switch companies is go to one of the best companies in your state. Click here to find the list of companies.
What information is required to switch car insurance companies?
Surprisingly, you don’t need to provide much information at all. This is because insurance companies share a database on all consumers that buy insurance. The company already knows the type of car you drive, who you bought insurance from in the past and your driving record.
This means a couple of important things. 1) Don’t mislead the new insurance company about your driving record. If they don’t already have all the details of your driving record, they will soon. 2) For most companies, you will only need to provide identification, such as a drivers license, and sign the application. Yes, it’s really that easy to switch car insurance.
It’s also important to know that you can switch at any time. Most states require insurance companies to refund the unused portion of the premium when you switch. That means, you can switch now and get a refund from your prior insurer for the portion you didn’t use.
Before Switching You Will Want to Compare Insurance Companies
Many people switch car insurance companies because they want a better price. That is a valid reason for changing. Many companies offer introductory pricing to new customers, then raise the price for these customers in subsequent billing cycles. Unfortunately it’s true, there can be a loyalty penalty when buying insurance.
The good news is, not all companies operate this way. Even better, now you can compare companies based on their overall performance in price, claims handling and service. Before switching to a new insurance company, be sure to compare companies based on a quantitative analytics. ValChoice can provide this information in an easy-to-understand way. Just click the button below and get your comparison report. We will show you how three of the best car insurance companies in your state compare to your current company.
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