If you’re like many people, you think of car insurance as a necessary evil. Not only is it expensive, but until now there’s not been a way to compare auto insurance companies so you can know if what you’re buying is worth the money.
When buying insurance, many people suspect they’re just wasting money. Unfortunately, they may be right. That’s all changing. Finally, you’re in luck. Technology is changing insurance and consumers are the beneficiaries.
Click the button below to compare your car insurance with the three best car insurance companies in your state. We rate every company in every state. Finally, you can find the best insurance companies.
The Change That’s Needed
Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to easily compare auto insurance? Even better, wouldn’t it be nice to find the best insurance without having to be an insurance geek? Best of all, wouldn’t it be great to find insurance without getting inundated with sales calls and emails from people trying to sell you insurance.
Everyone knows this is the era of “fake” news. Accusations of nearly everything being fake abound. Here at ValChoice, we think it’s possible the concept of being “fake” was pioneered to sell auto insurance. Many insurance web sites claim they will get you a quote. In reality, they want your personal information so they can sell it. They look like they sell insurance, but they don’t. Not only is that fake, it’s also a pretty sleazy business model.
The Right Approach to Helping People With Insurance
In the interest of transparency, we’re now going to admit that we are about to shamelessly promote ourselves. Stick with us for a little longer. You’ll be glad you did. Here’s what’s different about ValChoice:
- Our only interest is helping you find good insurance for a fair price.
- We’re independent and unbiased from the insurance industry. That’s easy to say, but it’s rarely true. For us, it’s true.
- We’ve been offered money to change our grading system, but won’t ever do that. If you want to read the story, click this link to go to our blog post titled, “Not Everyone Can be Bought.“
- We take great care to avoid conflicts of interest. If there’s ever an element of our business that looks like a conflict, let us know. We’ll deliver the transparency you deserve.
We don’t know of any other company in the insurance industry that doesn’t take either investment dollars or revenue dollars, before grading a company. Some companies even offer for sale the ability to get the results of user surveys and reviews changed. We don’t do any of that. That’s why you can trust us. My personal story is also why you can trust us. This is a mission for me. To read the personal story click this link to go to the “Founder” section of our website.
Compare Auto Insurance, Step One
First, decide what you care about when buying insurance. Here are some common options:
- A good value and excellent protection – if you have dependents, this is the right choice
- The best service and protection – money is no issue. You just want everything to be easy
- Only price – this might make sense if you have no dependents
Compare Auto Insurance, Step Two
Next, go to ValChoice.com and get a “Compare Car Insurance Report.” The button below will take you directly to the web page where you can order the “Compare Car Insurance” Report.
To find out how to lock in a fair price from the best car insurance company in your state, click the button below and get the compare auto insurance rating.
The report will compare your current car insurance company with three of the best in the state. You will be able to see how the companies compare for the value they provide, the protection – claims handling – and the service they provide.
Compare Auto Insurance, Step Three
Last, decide which of the companies you want to buy your insurance from. It should be an easy decision when you see the comparison rankings. Not only do we provide you an easy-to-understand overview of how they operate, we also give you company contact information so you can find someone that will sell their insurance to you.
The Beauty of Transparency
In the U.S., over three trillion dollars per year is spent on insurance per year. This is inclusive of auto, home and health insurance. All of which are nearly always required by law or by contract.
Here’s what three trillion dollars looks like as a number. $3,000,000,000,000. That’s roughly the equivalent to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom is the 5th largest economy in the world.
When put in these terms, it’s truly unbelievable what U.S. consumers pay for insurance with virtually no meaningful description of quality. Transparency is what consumers need. Transparency shows how companies operate so consumers don’t have to make decisions based on misleading, high-budget advertising campaigns.
What Consumers Deserve
ValChoice is the first company to bring transparency to the insurance industry. This is an important first step. The next step is to make more data available. Insurance regulators do a good job of collecting data on the industry. Unfortunately, laws in some states designate much of the information as confidential.
Think about that concept for a minute. You’re required by law to buy insurance. However, also by law, you do not have access to information on the business practices of the companies from whom you must buy the insurance that’s mandated. If that’s not a brilliant example of campaign financing and lawmakers collaborating against the consumer, I don’t know what is.
Insurance may be boring. However, knowing that we spend $3,000,000,000,000 per year on our insurance, consumers need to demand more transparency. Be sure to demand a position on insurance transparency from your elected officials.
Start by finding out who the best insurance companies are in your state. Just click the buttons below. This information is free.
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