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Archive | Car Insurance blog

The car insurance blog helps consumers easily find the best insurance. We share analytics and insights about car insurance coverage that’s best for you. Most importantly, we don’t sell insurance, or get paid on the sale of insurance. Our motivation is help consumers.

Image for blog post on insurance claims

Is my insurer good about paying Insurance claims?

  An insurance company that resists paying insurance claims is not an insurance company. Instead, they’re an investment firm that takes your premium dollars, invests the money  and pays the interest and dividends — on your money — to their investors. Unfortunately, many people buy insurance from what ValChoice considers to be “investment firms.” But, […]

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Local Insurance Agents

Will the Internet be the death of local insurance agents?

  Could the rapidly emerging direct-to-consumer business model be the death of local insurance agents near me? Travel agent offices, bookstores and video rental shops were once local landmarks. Not long ago it was unimaginable these businesses would disappear. Will consumers soon look at the office currently occupied by their local insurance agents and wonder why insurance used to […]

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Image for blog post on home and auto bundles

Will I save money by bundling home and auto Insurance?

  The advertisements claim hundreds of dollars of savings, just for auto insurance. Now the ads recommend you bundle home and auto insurance. Reportedly, the savings are even greater. Consumers know big insurance companies are marketing driven companies. So what can they believe? Should insurance be bundled? We break this down into the important elements […]

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