Insuring multiple cars will help you get discount car insurance. However, you need to insure all of the cars with the same insurance company. Click the button below to find how insuring multiple cars with the same company will help you get discount auto insurance.
How many cars do I need to insure to get discount car insurance?
Discounts on auto insurance are generally applied starting with the second vehicle you insure with the same company. In most cases, discount amounts continue to increase up to four vehicles. After four vehicles the discount amount flattens out.

The image above shows how to determine the discount amount you should receive when insuring multiple vehicles with the same company.
The ValChoice car insurance calculator is interactive. Therefore, you can click on the number of vehicles you plan to insure with a single company and see how the discount changes. Discounts for auto insurance can be significant. Hence, make sure you are getting credit for all of the discounts that apply to you. Once you’ve used our calculator to find the discounts that apply to you, make sure your insurance company is giving you those discounts.
The ValChoice Car Insurance Calculator
ValChoice is focused on helping people with insurance by delivering transparency into what has been an opaque industry. After doing a detailed analysis of insurance prices, we found the price variations to be extreme. Shockingly, comparing the exact same coverage, person, car, etc across different insurance companies can result in a 10x difference in price. Across seven common scenarios we tested, we found an average of more than a 5x difference.
We immediately recognized that consumers need a fair, unbiased, free service that lets them know what is a fair price for insurance. That’s what our car insurance calculator does. Try it out. Tell a friend about it.
The Quality of Your Insurance Matters
The big advertisers mostly pin their advertising on messages like “the best rate,” “the greatest savings,” “the best price,” etc. Two things are clear from these claims:
- Only one company can have the best rate or price, not all of them.
- With rate or price as such a prevalent part of advertising, are any of these companies paying attention to the quality of the product?
ValChoice was founded with a mission to let consumers know which companies deliver the best value, quality and service. Get a free rating on your insurance companies (both auto and home) by clicking the buttons below. Finally, you can know if your insurance will stand behind you when you need them most.
What to do if Your Insurance Doesn’t Pass the Quality Test
If the free rating above wasn’t well above average, it’s time to find a different insurance company. At ValChoice, we make finding a different insurance company easy. Unlike other websites, we’re not in the business of just trying to get you to switch insurance. Our only objective is to make sure you have good insurance. We want to make sure that if something happens, you’re protected. Believe it or not, not all insurance companies want to protect their customers. Read the back story on the ValChoice founder for an example of that problem.
We list the best insurance companies in every state on our website. If you simply want to find the best car insurance and best home insurance companies, click the buttons below.
Note: ValChoice does not get paid to rate insurance companies. Also, ValChoice cannot be paid to improve the score of an insurance company. We rate every auto and home insurance company in the industry so you can know which are best and which are worst.
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