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Archive | Home Insurance blog

Since 2000, home insurance prices have increased faster than what consumers pay for their health care. Our mission is to help you find the best coverage and protection at a fair price. We do not sell insurance or get paid on the sale of insurance. We’re here to look out for you, the consumer.


best home insurance

How do I find the best home insurance companies?

  Do you wonder how to find the best home insurance company? We all know that large insurance companies spend billions (each) on advertisements. But does that mean they’re a good insurance company? Or, does that mean they’re a big advertising company? More importantly, can you deduce what spending money on advertising means about whether […]

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A Guide to Surviving The Holidays

A Guide to Surviving the Holidays – Nine Tips for Families

The winter holidays are a great time of year. While some may have read the title, “Surviving the Holidays,” and thought this article would focus on on not getting COVID between now and Christmas, it isn’t. No, we’re referring to keeping your family safe. Sadly, the holiday season is also one of the more dangerous […]

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Crash Network Hero Image

How to choose the right auto insurance company

  How do you make your insurance buying decision? If you’re like most people, you ask your friends and family, check a cost-comparison website and watch TV ads as a source for your short list. None of those sources provide a comprehensive view of how insurance companies handle claims and deliver service to their customers. […]

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Image for blog post on how much is homeowners insurance

How much is homeowners insurance where I live?

  The cost of homeowners insurance varies significantly based on where you live. That’s why ValChoice built a home insurance calculator. Now anyone can find out what homeowners insurance should cost based on where they live. Click the button below to answer the question of how much is homeowners insurance? The ValChoice home insurance calculator […]

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