That’s all changed. Consumers can now know which companies truly perform well when it comes to claims handling. We provide this information for free to consumers through our individual company ratings. Click on a button below to get a free rating of your insurance company.
ValChoice is the only platform built to help consumers interested in shopping based on the quality of their insurance. We’re making this really easy by publishing the best insurance companies, in each state. There can be a lot of variation from state to state for a couple reasons. 1) We don’t choose companies based on having the biggest advertising budget or affiliate marketing budget. We choose based on historic performance. 2) Many of the best insurance companies are regional. Therefore, they only appear in a small number of states.
To find the best insurance companies in your state, just click the button below.

Mission Enabled by Technology
ValChoice applies advanced information technology, sophisticated quantitative analysis and data mining to calculate the value of the insurance you buy. Most importantly, our analysis is easy-to-understand. We show how good every insurance company is using a fuel-gauge-style image. For the first time ever, every consumer of insurance can know if the company they are buying insurance from is charging a fair price for the protection and service they deliver.
The way we work is simple. We build a mathematical model of the insurance industry. The model is by line of business. For example, auto insurance for consumers. Next we overlay every company, in every state where they do business, on this mathematical model. We offer services that companies (and their agents) can use. Our focus is on companies that score above the what the fuel-gauge style image below shows.
For those interested in the math behind this, the image represents:
- Industry Mean + (Sigma * 0.75)
- In our world, we call this an “Award Winner”
- These are companies that provide exceptional claims handling and great service at a fair price
This mission is the result of many years of competing in hyper-competitive, high-technology markets. High-technology markets rapidly adopt new technology and new processes in order to reduce operating costs and improve customer satisfaction.
The benefit of transparency and easy-to-understand analytics is proven in many markets. Finally, consumers of insurance have these powerful shopping tools available, too.
An Independent View
We are independent and unbiased. The ValChoice rating system is not influenced by insurance companies. Unlike other companies that rate insurance companies for consumers, we are not:
- Paid commissions for selling their products. We don’t sell insurance
- Paid to do surveys showing how good an insurance company is
- Wholly or partially owned by any insurance company
We’re independent and unbiased. That makes us a unique, trusted source of information about insurance companies.